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When Robotic Procedures Lead to Medical Malpractice Cases

When Robotic Procedures Lead to Medical Malpractice Cases

Many agree technological advances have greatly helped grow the medical industry. However, others believe that these robots may produce obstacles and technical complications.

According to the United States Food and Drug Administration’s reports, robotic surgeries have resulted in 144 fatalities in the last 14 years. Although research does not determine whether these deaths occurred due to human error or robotic malfunctions, medical professionals agree these robots remain a significant source of concern. Additionally, data derived from nearly 10,000 incident reports filed between 2000 and 2013 show that robotic surgeries were involved in 1,391 patient injuries.

What Are Types of Robotic Procedure Errors?

When medical experts examined these issues, they found many robotic surgery errors included the following:

  • Fragments of tools falling into patients’ bodies
  • Electrical sparking from machines and other pieces of equipment
  • Robots making unplanned movements

Researchers state these robots are less dangerous during urological or gynecological surgical procedures and have a higher incident rate when used for neck, head, and cardiothoracic procedures.

Who is Held Responsible for Robotic Errors?

When a robotic error occurs and a patient becomes injured as a result, there remains the question, “Who should be held responsible?” In most cases, the robotic surgical equipment manufacturers are called into question. For example, many lawyers are examining claims that have surfaced due to a robotic surgery called da Vinci® Surgery. While some believe the manufacturers should be held responsible for a defective design, others believe the manufacturer should be held liable for failing to provide accurate usage instructions to the medical staff. On the other hand, some lawyers believe the manufacturer provided no warnings regarding the risks associated with the da Vinci® Surgery system.

Our Washington, D.C. Medical Malpractice Lawyers Can Protect Your Future

At The Law Offices of Dr. Michael M. Wilson, M.D., J.D. & Associates, our Washington, D.C. medical malpractice attorneys handle a wide variety of cases including those associated with robotic procedure errors. At our firm, we believe no person deserves to suffer harm, pain, or emotional damages due to a medical professional’s error or a manufacturer’s defective product. That is why when you work with our team, we will deploy our most efficient tactics to help you and your loved ones recover the monetary compensation you deserve. Backed by over 30 years of legal experience, you can rest easier knowing we have what it takes to win your case.

For your free consultation, contact our medical malpractice lawyers in Washington, D.C. today! We have recovered more than $100 million for our clients!

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