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How Do I Know If It’s Malpractice?


Not every bad medical outcome results from bad medical practice. For example, some surgeries have widely-acknowledged high rates of failure, but patients and surgeons opt for the procedure anyway because the alternative — often doing nothing — offers even less...

If You Didn’t Chart It, You Didn’t Do It


Malpractice cases often hinge on the quality of the medical documentation related to the care of the plaintiff. Solid medical documentation shares several qualities. It is straightforward, consistent, in chronological order, and reasonably complete. If the doctors and nurses involved...

Birth Injury Caused by Negligence


During birth, injuries can occur to a newborn. Not all injuries sustained during or after the birthing process are serious and not all merit becoming a court case. However, serious injuries to an infant should raise a red flag in...

When Birth Injuries Result from Negligence


Childbirth is a natural and miraculous event, but not every labor and delivery is the same. Some women have uneventful deliveries and healthy babies, while others have difficult experiences. In that helpless condition, the mom-to-be has to trust the doctors...

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